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Uttar Pradesh &Uttarakhand as TV marketsare heavily dominated by the DDFD platform

With regard to the questions raised over the inequity of the DD Free Dish (DDFD) service, Prasar Bharti’s credibility has gone for a toss. Few Zee channels hadbeen observed stealthygaining access to the DD Free Dish Network because of the proximity of satellites between the Dish TV network and the DD Free Dish network.
In other words, this proximity is being exploited to retransmit some Zee channels such as Zee UP/UK and Zee Kalak.
Thispractice has given an unfair advantage to ZEE in comparison to other competing broadcasters – some of whom are paying exorbitantamountsdue to the high reserve price andultra-competitive bidding. It is also a massive blow to Prasar Bharti’s revenues– equivalent to embezzling government revenues.
Unfortunately, the Government, the Regulator and Prasar Bharti have turned a blind eye to all complaints and representations by various broadcasters,maintaining radio silence and acting as if blindfolded,which impliestacit consent to such acts.
Furthermore,Uttar Pradesh &Uttarakhand as TV marketsare heavily dominated by the DDFD platform. Therefore, from a TV channel’s perspective, being present on DDFD (especially when no one else is), provides a massive reach advantage that the competition cannot match.
Significantly, in the regional Hindi news universe of Uttar Pradesh & Uttarakhand, noother channels are present on DDFD – as per official records. Unofficially, however, due to the proximity of its satellite to the DDFD satellite, Zee UP/UK (Zee News’ regional counterpart)is enjoying a virtually-unchecked presence on the DDFD platform– reaching out to millions in the states it officially cannot.
The BARC Data for Wk’14’20 (mentioned below)indicates that Zee UP/UK has an abnormally higher reach in the market than the Top 2 channels, each of which is (officially at least) present on more distribution platforms than Zee UP/UK.
Channel Total Reach (Free+Pay) Only Free Reach Only Pay Reach Reach Cont from Free Platform
Zee Uttar Pradesh/ Uttarakhand 4,915 2,031 2,884 41%
News State UP/Uttarakhand 3,913 25 3,888 1%
News18 UP/ Uttarakhand 3,055 0 3,055 0%
(Source: BARC, TG- NCCS 15+, Wk 14’20, TB- 0600-2400 Hrs, Reach’000 (UP/UK Markets- Free Vs Pay)
What’s astounding is that,Prasar Bharti is readily forgoing revenue by permittingillegal occupation of slots on its platform. Crucially, every year at the DDFD auction, some applicants return dejected due to the limited slots – whereas these applicants are willing to pay crores just for a single-year slot!
It is incrediblethat, on the one hand, the authorities hold auctions to maximize revenuesbut on the other, pointedly ignore a steady revenue loss of crores every year.
It is extremely alarming and disheartening to see the response – rather, the lack of it– of Prasar Bharti to the entire situation. Despite multiple complaints from other channels, there has been no reaction to the situation.
A situation involving an unfair and illegal advantage over the competition– achieved through Prasar Bharti’s means, at the Exchequer’scost and by gaining an unfair advantage over competing broadcasters.